Wednesday, March 19, 2025

The Bold and the Beautiful Full Episode Recap | Psycho Sheila, Meets Luna-tic & Hope's Dreams Go Up in Flames - Tuesday, March 18, 2025 [SPOILERS]

Hold onto your pearls, folks, because things on The Bold and the Beautiful just took a turn for the jaw-dropping. It's the kiss that none of us expected (unless you saw it in a social media spoiler)! Sheila Carter learns she’s got a long-lost granddaughter (because that’s exactly what this woman needed—another family member to obsess over), and Hope gets the rug pulled out from under her by none other than Carter. If you thought the power plays and betrayals were done, think again, this B&B full episode recap is serving up more drama than a soap opera awards show speech.

Sheila gives her new granddaughter a smooch | CBS

Sheila Carter’s New Nightmare (or Dream?): Luna Drops a Bomb

Il Giardino should start charging for therapy sessions because, once again, it’s the scene of another life-altering revelation. Luna shows up, all wide-eyed and innocent, only to drop a piece of news that makes Sheila Carter momentarily forget she’s a walking menace: she’s a grandmother. That’s right—Luna, the seemingly sweet and naive newcomer, has Psycho Sheila Carter's blood running through her veins. Specifically, Finn’s, Sheila's son.

Sheila doesn't believe Luna's story at first | B&B

Sheila, naturally, reacts the way any lunatic (haha) would—by flipping from rage to confusion to sheer delight faster than a Forrester changes co-CEO positions. At first, she calls Luna a liar (because let’s be honest, Sheila’s default setting is suspicion), but once Luna insists Finn confirmed it with a DNA test, the woman practically throws a parade. Good old Granny 9-toes, Sheila, pulls her in for a big smooch on the lips (ew). Oh, the trouble these two will get into...

Sheila & Luna bond over a kiss (weird) | B&B

Luna-tic's wheels are turning | B&B

Sheila Carter, matriarch? God help us all | B&B

But wait, it gets better. Steffy, in all her perfectly coiffed, self-righteous glory, has already laid down the law: Finn is forbidden from acknowledging Luna. And if there’s one thing Sheila doesn’t do, it’s respect Steffy’s boundaries. Get ready, folks, because this plotline is about to get even messier than Sheila’s lengthy criminal record.

Hope’s Worst Nightmare: Carter Betrays Her—For the Forresters

Meanwhile, in the land of misplaced trust and shattered dreams, Hope Logan is getting the betrayal of her life, courtesy of her very own partner in crime, Carter. Hope thought they were still riding high, running Forrester Creations like a power couple on a corporate retreat. Turns out, Carter’s got a conscience (late to the party, but sure, let’s go with it), and he just couldn’t live with himself knowing he’d helped take over the company from Ridge and Eric.

Hope is stunned by Carter's latest move | B&B

So, what does he do? Shreds the LLC papers like yesterday’s scandalous headlines. That’s right—Forrester Creations is back where it belongs, and Hope is left gasping like someone just snatched the last couture gown off the runway. Even better, she learns Carter got NOTHING in writing.

Hope doesn’t take betrayal well (who does?), and she immediately assumes Ridge and Eric brainwashed Carter into throwing away everything they built. She’s not entirely wrong. But instead of fighting for her, Carter gives her the classic “it’s for the best” speech. Spoiler: it’s not for the best. It’s for his best, and Hope is out here looking like the biggest fool in Beverly Hills.

Hope sees the writing on the wall: she’s done. She barely gets a “we’ll keep Hope for the Future” consolation prize, and she’s already predicting the Forresters are going to boot her faster than Brooke’s last failed marriage. And if Carter thought this breakup was going to be painless? Bless his heart.

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Steffy’s Power Trip: Hope Has Got to Go

If Hope needed any confirmation that her career at Forrester Creations is hanging by a thread, Steffy just spelled it out loud and clear. Back at the Forrester mansion, the Queen of Smugness is making it known to Ridge, Eric, and the rest of her adoring court that Hope is donezo. According to Steffy, Hope has been nothing but trouble, and after everything that’s gone down, she simply can’t work with her anymore.

Forresters regain control | B&B

Now, let’s not pretend like Steffy isn’t thrilled about this. She’s been waiting for the moment to kick Hope to the curb since forever, and now she’s got the perfect excuse. “Forrester should have no involvement with Hope,” she declares, like she’s the judge, jury, and executioner of the fashion world. Hope may not have lost everything just yet, but if Steffy has anything to say about it, she’ll be job-hunting by the end of the week.

What’s Next for These Hot Messes?

So where do we go from here? Sheila’s about to dive headfirst into her newfound “grandmother” role, which means Finn is going to be stuck in yet another emotional hostage situation. Steffy’s running Forrester Creations like her own personal kingdom, while Hope is staring into the abyss of unemployment. And Carter? He better sleep with one eye open because Hope Logan is not the forgiving type. Maybe Daphne can help him out...

Stay tuned, because if The Bold and the Beautiful history has taught us anything, it’s that nobody stays on top for long in this town. And if you thought this drama was over? Think again.

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The Bold and the Beautiful Full Episode Recap | Ridge is in the Hot Seat & Hope Claps Back - Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Tuesday’s full episode recap of The Bold and the Beautiful is packed with the kind of drama that makes you want to grab a glass of wine and...